Greenhouse gases and cross-border travel in Europe

During today?s plenary session in Strasbourg, MEPs adopted by a large majority the report on the proposal for a Regulation on fluorinated greenhouse gases and the proposal for a Directive on package travel and assisted travel arrangements. Fluorinated greenhouses gases are used primarily as synthetic refrigerants and were introduced in … Continue reading

We believe in people

Yesterday, on 6th March, MEPs from the European People?s Party (EPP) party began their two-day 2014 elections congress in Dublin. In addition, study days have been organised to run in parallel to the main event. These will allow participants to debate on the future of Europe and the opportunities available … Continue reading

World Civil Defence Day

Today, on the 1st March, we celebrate the World Civil Defence Day. As a MEP, I would like to take this opportunity to salute all firemen, soldiers and other volunteers that participated in last month?s civil defence activities. We are happy to have you with us, willing to help the … Continue reading

Health is an opportunity for us all

During the plenary session of the European Parliament on the 25th February 2014, MEPs strongly voted in favour of putting into place the Health for Growth programme, the Third Programme of Community Action in the Field of Health 2014-2020. The Health for Growth programme is meant to create a stronger … Continue reading

Slovenia: the sport superpower of Europe

A festive mood spread to the European Parliament following the second gold medal of Tina Maze, the medal of Žan Košir and the successes of the Slovenian Lynxes (hockey team), Karja Višnjar, Vesna Fabjan, Peter Prevc and Teja Gregorin. While Slovenia does not always get noticed due to its small … Continue reading

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