European Antibiotic Awareness Day – 18 november 2012

Dear readers,

the discovery of antibiotics and antimicrobials in human history was one of the greatest discoveries in supporting human health. Despite the success of the last century and its reduction of mortality, we are now faced with a completely different phenomenon – antimicrobial resistance.

Antibiotic use, when unnecessary and inappropriate, does more harm than good. The overuse of antibiotics and antimicrobials is having the opposite effect developing drug resistance to things that should be saving our lives. This is one of the greatest threats to human health, globally, as there is a great danger for diseases that had been eradicated to resurface, such as tuberculosis, pneumonia, etc.

The European Antibiotic Awareness Day exists to raise awareness of the problem. A problem that we are often not aware of, not even when we’re in a waiting room with a heavy cold. It is important that we are informed of the consequences of improper and unnecessary antibiotic use. They are made to treat bacterial not viral infections. In any case, every use requires the prior consultation with a doctor.

Zofija Mazej Kukovič MEP is committed to reducing antimicrobial resistance. As a shadow rapporteur for the file “Microbial Challenge – The Rising Threats from antimicrobial resistance”, she has pointed to a number of problems and the need for change and action at European level.

Dear friends, our health is one and only. It is important to be aware of these priceless values and try to maintain it in a prudent and rational way; with a prudent use of antibiotics.

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